Why I mentioning that KFC again? I guess you all should know by now, as I has been visiting KFC Kota Samarahan almost once a week with my
Driver cum Friends of course, since I have this Bloody Discount Card. What Discount is that? I guess most of the West Malaysia People should know it, but I am not sure about
Sarawakian, since the PURCHASING POWER is DAMM POWER
(High), why? Because
Sarawakian People is Damm Rich, they will simply buys whatever they perceive it as Quality, as being show by one my Friends,
"siapa makan cili dia rasa PEDAS" whenever we went to Taka Cake House, he will definitely get an EXPENSIVE breads, but of course not myself or Sam, we only manage to get us RM2.00 buns Kosong or Hot Dog Buns which cost us RM1.50.
What I mean by the Bloody Discount Card? I still remember, those day I still in KL, as usual, I will get myself and my Godfather with a Dinner Plates every Tuesday, so I did the same here, in Kota Samarahan Sarawak. How I get this Discount Card, I guess now no more, but I manage to get many of this Discount Card last time as I either get myself a X-Meal in any KFC outlets, or by relationship management with this cashiers since I was a Loyalty customers to them, will be visiting them once a weeks, which most of the time will be at KL SENTRAL KFC outlets.

This is the V.V.I.P Discount Cards,
which remind me to get myself KFC every Tuesday.
Why? Because of the Value,
what Value? 25% Discount of course.
If not, I guess I won't be having KFC so frequently.
Term and Condition Apply
But today, my mood to have KFC almost being SPOIL by a cashier, whereby I can describe her as
Kekurangan Pengetahuan or
syok sendiri. Why? Because of her attitude or knowledge as being a cashier in KFC Kota Samarahan, I don't how long la, but I only met her for the last 1 month I guess if I am not mistaken. She told me that, my
V.V.I.P Discount Card cannot be use since it was already expired, of course I feel weird, because I only having KFC last week as well, almost every Tuesday. So, this cashier, a lady cashier to be specific, really spoil my mood to have KFC today, because
No Discount equal to No Value.So, myself, Sam, and Allen really not in a good mood to have KFC since the V.V.I.P card can't be used. As Sam was in a phone, seem very busy contacting her clients who requested for KFC as well, I told him that I definitely won't have the KFC, if not Discount. But he told me that, he still need to buy because her
Orang Kaya Kaya punya Clients still want to have it, so, as the waiting line for our orders was too long, I suggested him to go Taka Cake House first b4 we came back again to get the KFC for his
Kaya Kaya punya Clients. Who is the clients?
"siapa makan cili dia rasa PEDAS"After buying the breads from Taka Cake House, we went back to KFC Kota Samarahan, and as Sam and Allen was lining up to make orders, I saw one of my
KL lang,
Mr. Seh Wei Ping, who is making payment for his order, of course in the main time I saw somethings else, that is the V.V.I.P Discount Card. I even ask him, "
KL Lang, this
V.V.I.P cards can be used meh?" He tell me YES, so, I even ask the KFC Kota Samarahan Supervisor, a ladies in her 30+, to confirm whether the
V.V.I.P Discount Card can be use or not. After confirming that the
V.V.I.P Discount Card can be use, I decided to line up in another counter as I don't want to see the "
Kekurangan Pengetahuan" cashier who told me at 1st, the
V.V.I.P Discount Card cannot be used.
Well, as Sam told me that we are not going out tonight to Dapau Dinner, I decided to orders an extra meal for myself since nothing (foods) can be get at Unimas.

I get myself a
Zinger Burger, cost me around RM6

The Quality, so so lar, as my mood had been spoit by
the Bloody Cashier
(Perempuan) .

A part from that, I also get myself and Mr. Gan a
Dinner Plate,
as Mr. Gan did something to me which I really feel weird,
terpaksa la, I ganti rugi him balik.

This is what I get for myself, but the quality is sooooo BAD,
see the chicken also feel no mood already,
One Different Kind lol,
when I eat it just now, very weird the taste of the Chicken,
maybe due to
Raya punya Pasal.
Kekurangan Ayam=Ayam yang Tidak Segar.RM7.80 Net, after Discount.
How you guys feel about the QUALITY of the Chicken today?
The Question is towards Sam, Allen, and the Orang Kaya Kaya, (Sam's Clients)?
Overall, I rated this Meal is only 50% of my satisfaction,
the cashier, the quality of the chicken has spoil my mood.