Saturday, August 15, 2009

Convocation Fever

Just 2 hour ago, I was in East Campus with my housemate, as the Pesta Convo is going on there.

Tonight, there was a Battle of the Band Concert whereby 18 Bands Group was performing and I dunno who is the winner and what they will get as I only see the show until the last group that performing.

Overall, the music was OK even though I am not a Music Friends, or any Band groups. But It really relax my mind as I have been headache this evening.

So, tomorrow there will be another performance at the night, whereby our national Top Male Singer will be here in Unimas. The singer I mean is Faizal Tahir.

I will be going too, as I also like some of the songs he sing such as Gemuruh Jiwa !!

See you guys there.

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