While most of our coursemate show him there work, the reply was as usual "rubbish" but one of my friends, not to mention who he is, clever boy, haha, manage to satisfy Dr.K with his word, whereby Dr.K said he is the only one who get it correct, wow, sound really geng, of course he is good, because he show Dr.K his VALUE. So, he and his others group member were in the right track for the assignment and most of us need to work harder to satisfy the lecturer, including me.
One things that I discover in the class was the lecturer always like to deliver a hidden message whereby he want his students to have critical thinking in order to understands what he want, and he won't directly hints us about what is the requirement that he want but will tell us indirectly. Therefore, he is not as bad as what we all think about him, but actually how translates or understand the dialogs or words that he mention to us during the class.
Lastly, before the class ended, Dr.K is telling us his story, actually it's secret, but I guess most of my friends in my course, Marketing, does not have my blog address, therefore I would like to share this information with others. Actually, Dr.K is from a well-known family as well as RICH, I guess so, his father is the formal Vice Chancellor of Unimas while his mother was a formal Dean in Faculty of Social Science. Most of his family members were educated including himself, whereby Dr.K was studying at one of the most top rank universities in the world, if I am not mistaken, as he told us, rank 16 in the world. He obtain his educating from University of Melbourne before further it at ANU, whereby it stand for either Australia National University or others, but I guess it stand for Australia National University.

ANU is standing at TOP,
Rank 1st in Australia and Rank 16 in the world.
Wow, it's VALUE, therefore Dr.K is valuable as well.
I hope that everyone that have negative image on him should change our perception on him, I don't denied that at first I have negative perception on him too, but before his class ended next week, I guess I already change the ways I look at him, and he is good actually, but only difficult to understand whatever he is deliver during the class, and lastly of course I know that, especially the ladies on the class feel uneasy with his "personal space", hahaa, be cool anyways.
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