Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Core Subjects

Finally, I had attended every courses that I take as a CORE subject this semester and the reaction is good. So far, all the subjects did not disappoint me yet, and I hope it would not let me down as well.

This morning, I went to Managerial Accounting lecture taught by Mr. Micheal Tinggi which was intend to be a bit bored but it was really make me to pay more attention as the subject will be sooner and sooner become tougher. Therefore, to make us become expert in his subject, we were rewarded with the 1st individual assignment which in the main time was acting as a Tutorial for us in order to enable us to become more understandable.

Nothing much happen, but I would like to share one experience with you all, whereby based on my observation as well as I am one of the buyers and users, I was totally blur when I having/ making purchase on the food in the area of Kota Samarahan as the sellers (not everyone) but I experience twice in two days, the will just simply charges you extra even though you get the same amount of food as usual. Why this happen in the world, it seem very unfair.

What do you think? Do you people experiences it before?

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