Monday, September 28, 2009

Kiasu Kiasu Kiasu

Since the requirement for TMT1013 to get 5 marks, students need to come out with the most number of posting in order to get full mark, if you see the item below, why guys or girls should feel weird, including myself, what the hell, suddenly so many posting during this MONTH, I means SEPTEMBER. hahaha, really consider as KIASU LANG IN UNIMAS, oops not, KIASU GENG in TMT1013.

Do you want to know who are them? Really want to see?
omg, omg, omg,

If you really want to KNOWN,

Please feels free to visit

for more information.




112 posting in SEPTEMBER
75 posting in SEPTEMBER
60 posting in SEPTEMBER
siapa makan cili, dia rasa pedas
there are more to come but due to some reasons I excluded it.

If you feel guilty, no harm, please be consistent with you posting.
We will find it out next month.
But, no value, coz TMT1013 going to the END.

p/s: sorry if you guys or girls found it too sensitive, SORRY, Sorry, sorry, minta maaf, sumimasen.


Zaraki Kenpachi said...

Tak payah kasi muka sangat. Hantam saja kaw kaw. I holiday 2 day sudah ada pencabar. What to do? I don't have much resources to do that. To my viewer, even I do posting because I forced to do that but be very sure that I post with my heart and not simply throw some spam mail into it. I know what I post de.

My advice, KIASU is good but did you find meaning in your post. If you find it that's good.

I found mine besides the bloody 5 marks ^^

alex5454 said...

hahahaa.... Challenges around already !!!

Zaraki Kenpachi said...

Jom dominate the whole world of blog. After today, the world will know me.

Haha ada challenger start to sell my name, but sell wrongly.

Ng K.H. Lolz

I guess the cili from the word KIASU is too spicy haha

Anonymous said...

u two really sucks by bullying gals... is there any wrong by trying to get more marks?? if that's wrong then u stop writing blog lo.. y try so hard maintaining ur self at the top no. of post written??? those who afraid ppl wrote more post than them like u are the most kiasu ppl indeed... when u point at someone, remember that ur other 4 fingers are pointing at YOURSELF!!

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